Prince Frederick

Nominate PFVFD For Nationwide Farm Grant For Grain Rescue Equipment

The Prince Frederick Volunteer Fire Department is hoping you can help our station by nominating our department for a Nationwide Insurance grant.

This grant focuses specifically on equipment involving grain bin rescues. If a farmer, or worker, becomes stuck in a bin up to their knees, or more, it can be an incredible challenge to rescue them.

The Nationwide grant goes toward the purchase of panels that ultimately make a tube around the patient and grain. The patient can be scooped out and the tube helps to keep the surrounding grain from closing back in on them. Watch a full demo here —>

We have the opportunity to receive the grant and specialized training, but it cannot happen without your help! All you have to do is fill out the form right here on this Nationwide link.

On the contact section – please use President Pat Hassler’s name and his directly contact number and email: 443.535-2207 and

Learn more about the grain rescues and how the equipment works here.’

We thank you for your support!